Any type of business can occasionally experience the need to partner with the most reliable, fastest and most professional courier services available. There are also some companies that require medical delivery services on a continual basis.

Specialized Courier Services You Can Trust

The need to make some shipments are unpredictable, and some items you may need to be shipped may be sensitive or dangerous. When you’re putting your most critical packages on the line, it helps enormously to know you can rely on a courier that is also trusted by other companies.

Whether you’re in need of our medical delivery services or have valuable items that you want to trust experienced couriers to deliver fast, you can rest assured that you’ve found the right team for the job.

Why Do Companies Love Working with R Courier?

While there are other options available for commercial courier services, companies love to work with R Courier more often because they know they’ll enjoy the complete package. Whether you’re looking for services that offer

  • Reliability
  • Fast Delivery
  • A Precise Package Tracking System
  • The Ability to Transport Medical Supplies and Dangerous Goods
  • A Highly Experienced Team

you won’t have to search around for a new company each time you make a shipment when you can get all of these features from one place.

A Few Examples

One of the most important clients that we’ve had the pleasure of serving in recent years has been to assist Toronto Public Health in the delivery of COVID-19 samples. In 2003, we also transported medical packages during Toronto’s severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak.

If you’re looking for a Toronto medical delivery company, there’s no better choice than to work with a company that is trusted by Canada’s largest city with its most critical medical deliveries. Along with several outstanding health facilities in Scarborough, we have worked with Public Health Ottawa, Durham, and Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto

How to Tell if You Require Our Services

If you aren’t quite sure whether you require our team, there are signs you should be working with a medical courier that you can rely on to become sure. Here are a few of the top reasons that you might require a medical courier service:

  • Transporting Sensitive Medical Documents
  • Transporting Dangerous Goods
  • Transporting Other Medical Supplies or Samples
  • Timing of Delivery is Vital
  • You Require Accurate Tracking Services

While it might seem evident that any company that requires medical items or documents to be delivered will require a medical courier, that is not the only case where they may be required. Even if your items are not necessarily of a medical nature, it may require the time sensitivity, security or speed of delivery that a medical courier can provide.

Get in Touch to Learn More

Whether it involves inquiries about the status of your package or general questions, we’re committed to providing access to our customers. If you’re looking for professional medical delivery services, you can contact us using the digital form on our website. Alternatively, you can also get more information by contacting our team by phone free of charge at 1.800.823.5223.