Even when you require a professional delivery, there’s no reason to pay more than the appropriate cost for the service you require. Even when you opt for the least expensive fees, you should always be guaranteed a safe delivery that arrives as scheduled. The best way to avoid additional service rates is to work with a company you can trust and learn how their services work to avoid making any mistakes when you place an order.
Why Do Additional Service Rates Exist?
In the case of medical sample shipment, delivery speed can also play a critical role, given that some medical specimens must arrive at their destination within a specific timeframe to prevent spoilage. In these situations, additional service rates will apply because of the premium service.
Types of Services
Whether you’re looking for fast medical delivery or the item you need to be shipped is of low priority, you can gain more control over the type of shipment you get when you know what each entails. Knowing these differences is vital when in medical deliveries because they often require a speedy delivery time, which should never be confused with a slower service. In such cases, paying full price will be worth every penny.
If you pay close attention to the different types of delivery services we provide and take care not to make any of the common medical delivery mistakes, you’ll easily be able to avoid additional services that are not required for your particular courier needs.
Speed of Delivery
The first factor determining the shipment cost is the speed at which the delivery takes place. Here at R Courier, we offer many different categories of shipment speed, including:
- Regular (Delivery before 5 PM)
- Rush (Delivered within 3 to 4 Hours)
- Direct (Delivery within 1 1/2 to 2 Hours)
- Urgent (Delivery in a non-stop fashion)
- Overnight Delivery
The guaranteed delivery time of these services is only available depending on the location required and the time of day when the order was placed.
Other Factors
Additionally, other factors can come into play that will result in additional service rates added to your delivery. These are critical to understand if you want to avoid unnecessary extra costs. These include the weight of your shipment. For example,
- Shipments over 30 lbs will incur an additional fee of 10 cents per pound.
- Shipments over 50 lbs will incur an additional fee of 10 cents per pound.
- Shipments over 100 lbs will incur an additional fee of 10 cents per pound.
It will help to be mindful to prevent unnecessary waiting time for your courier since waiting beyond 10 minutes will incur an additional 50 cents per minute. Another mistake that will incur extra fees occurs when the wrong address is provided. In some cases, customers may require a delivery that is placed during off-hours. Deliveries that occur after hours will result in an additional charge as well.
If you are unsure about what kind of delivery service you require or whether your order is likely to incur additional charges, the best solution is to contact our team at R Courier to discuss your needs.